Wednesday, August 5, 2009

roughly 7000 words

Hey, gang! I survived my trip to the capital and I'm back at the DREAM Center now. (I love that my place of work is called the DREAM Center. It sounds like I should be in an office full of Care Bears.)

Anyway, I uploaded a new batch of photos to my Flickr. Here are a few favorites:

One of the hikes we took with the Constanza youth camp. I held up the back of the line.

A muchacho with a hilarious attitude.

Chris, me, Malia, and Kathy on the top of a mountain called La Ochenta. (The 80. The name is unclear to me; it is more than 80 feet tall but less than 80 miles. Whatever.)

One of the views from the top of La Ochenta.

Julie's body art in progress at the DREAM art show fundraiser, which featured face/body painting.

A couple kids rocking their face paint.

One of the pieces of art for sale at the DREAM event.

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