Sunday, January 27, 2008


Hello, and welcome to my Peace Corps blog! I'm not actually leaving the country for about a month, but I wanted to get this set up before I left. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update this once I reach the D.R., but I will definitely have at least limited Internet access. Also, for the record: I will be serving as a Peace Corps volunteer for two years in the Dominican Republic. My program is education and communication information technology--a mouthful that means I'll be working with schools and computer centers to teach basic computer skills.

Contact info: I would love to receive letters! You can send them to:

Renata S., PCV (use my whole name, I just don´t want to be Googled)
Cuerpo de Paz
Avenida Bolivar 451, Gazcue
Apartado Postal 1412
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic

That address will work for the whole time I'm in the D.R.

Also, if you were planning to send me a package, the Peace Corps recommends that you use a padded envelope rather than a box; boxes are more likely to be tampered with.

That's all for now; I might post again closer to my departure, and I hope to post photos here once I'm in the D.R. Adios!